
The Legendary Volcano

As all stories go

Bouncing back, a long long ago

Calamity struck the mound

Disaster shook the ground.


Eccentrically magical- the mighty mountain,

Fiercely beautiful, but a danger to all men.

Gallons of fire, destroying the land,

Howling in hear, as people held on to their life so dear.


If only theh knew, the prophecy untold

Jeopardy of events about to unfold.

Kindling hope, even the spark in the night

Lost and gone, along with their lives.


Millenia passed, the tragedy now a legend

Nonetheless it lingered, the fear of the end.

Obscure, I know, for a traveller like me

Passing history, is all I see.


Quaint little buildings with a painful past

Ruined palace and a cemetery so vast.

Scars of the wound forever unhealed

Tales so cruel, filling the field.

Utopia of paradise, it used to be-

Vandalized dystopia now, what an irony!


Wave of incredulity hit me like the storm

Xylophone bars sang a captivating song.

Years might\'ve passed, but there it still stood

Zooming high above, oh! How majestic the legendary volcano looked!