
Universal Love

The light in his eyes, the windows to the soul,  

I can’t breathe, I’m losing control, 

The source of this magic,  

It’s gone, how tragic. 


I experienced something from the deep, 

Has it gone, or is it asleep? 

But if it has gone, then it can’t be real? 

What purpose to itself conceal? 


What is true and what is false? 

Why does life have us on this waltz? 

If he has this treasure, 

Then surely, we all have the pleasure? 


So, what is this that I cannot understand? 

By whose hand? 

For suddenly, I feel a spread, 

Of aliveness to everything, when all was dead.  


The light shines, it’s gone again, 

I’m finding it hard to navigate this ‘terrain’, 

I know that this light is with me too, 

Within all of us, not just the few. 


What happens when it disappears? 

Is it because of our mounting fears? 

Where is the switch for this beautiful bright ‘sun’? 

Can we just leave it permanently on? 


Who controls this radiant dispersal? 

Is this for another life, a rehearsal?  

Why wait for planes anew? 

Right here, right now, me, him and you. 


What if everyone were to keep their lights aglow? 

What kind of world, could we come to know? 

Fears and fights, no longer a shrine, 

What is your dream? This is mine. 


Then it’s not, me vs. you, 

Universal love, on cue.  

Open to all, harbouring no fears 

Warming hearts, drying tears.  


I learnt to love through a greater knowing, 

And because of this, I\'m going to keep glowing, 

For turning off is a life not worth living, 

A life without Universal giving.  


I may as well, be amongst the dead, 

Every waking moment a senseless dread, 

If I cannot experience love, not just some, 

A whole loaf, not just a crumb. 


So, if this light emits from the deep? 

It then becomes something I can keep, 

Nurturing its brilliance from within, 

Being more than just my aging skin. 


But how do we learn to love in this play? 

When so much that we love is taken away? 

Is what is taken controlling the deep? 

The peace that we are trying so hard to keep.  


Asking others to stand astride, 

A certain way of worldly loving as we run and hide, 

Behind the façades that keep us from ‘harm’ 

Whilst in the deep, there is no calm. 


So, every time, difficult appears, 

We close in obedience to our fears.  

Days past, months past... 

And then the Years.