
Giving up

Giving up really means giving in,

Giving in to Satan and letting him win,

Giving him the power over you,

Where will that lead you,what will you do?

Giving up, is really giving up our Holy Father,

Turning away from God and basically saying, what\'s the bother,

Taking the easy road and not trying,

Is like telling God that He isn\'t worth the effort, and even though you\'re living,you\'re actually dying,

Giving up and giving in, is not the way to show your love,

Not for any love one, and especially not to our Lord above,

Even though it\'s tough, struggling is a good thing,

It is bringing us closer to God, and giving the Heavenly Beings a reason to sing,

With every choice we make can determine our future,

Make it permanent, not stitch it together with a suture,

Give your life over to God above,

Never give up, because the one that made us, IS LOVE.