
Empathy in a Digital Age

In the classroom, hushed and still,

A girl, unknowing of what\'s to unveil,

A moment\'s privacy, captured in scorn,

A secret shared, her dignity torn.


Across the screen, a witness I stood,

A moment frozen, misunderstood,

My heart ached with empathy\'s embrace,

A shared secret, the shame in her face.


A glance, a whisper, a fleeting desire,

Snared in a net of cruel, viral fire,

Her face flushed with horror and regret,

Her life exposed on the internet.


I wish I could reach through the screen\'s cold pane,

Whisper comfort, and take away the pain,

But all I could do was close the device,

Wishing her strength in this unwanted strife.


In an age of screens and heartless disdain,

Her story\'s a lesson in empathy\'s flame,

For we all have secrets, moments unseen,

Let\'s hold our judgment, and let others be.


For her story is now a tale from the past,

A video vanished, a shadow not cast,

Yet the lesson lingers in my mind so clear,

In our shared humanity, let\'s hold what\'s dear.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf