
The Jagged Mountains

The Jagged mountains
reach for the mighty sky,
pinnacles touching clouds,
fresh spring snow covers
them lightly as a reminder
that the change of seasons
is obstinate and does not
want to give up its ownership
of the land during its transition.

A lake nearby is a camera of nature,
reflecting the picture of what is above,
a scene of tranquility capturing a home
at the base of the granite mountain
which is a buffer from the howling
winds of mother nature who enjoys
intimidating all who are in her angry path,
a challenging game of survival who will
withstand her constant windswept breath.

Beauty of the scene is emphasized by
contrasting colors which are so vivid in the
brilliance of the mighty solar queen
of light creating a kaleidscope
upon a stage shared as a dream
for the visitor who enters carefully
so thoughts will not be interrupted
and will be able to visualize the placid
continuance of this ethereal existence.