
In Silence and Disbelief


Today, it is not about politics, it is not about terrorism
today it is simply about remembering
the innocent people who died
for the ordinary people,
who were at work earning an honest dollar
and for those enjoying a day out as tourists
in the big apple

it\'s for those who never got to see
their mum’s or dad’s again
son’s and daughter’s
husbands, wives, sisters
brothers now missing
from christmas photos

aunties, uncles
blood relatives, best friends
all these people taken
in a man-made catastrophe

this is for every single emergency Service
man and woman
who died doing their job
skills driven by their passion to help others
and to those emergency workers
still here, who wake every morning
living the constant nightmare
waking in a cold sweat
to the now tuneless birds
outside their bedroom windows

It is for those innocent souls on the planes
who only had moments
to phone loved ones to say goodbye
if they were able to
with love, nothing but love heard in their voices

It’s for a nation
who will mourn this dark day forever
a skyline missing its twin towers
grief that only first-hand
can really ever be understood
a lifetime of sorrow and questions
of what ifs
and all for what?

as I write this
I myself remember
exactly where I was
and what I was doing
on the other side of the pond
on what I can only describe as
the day the lights of the world went out
where the desperate screams echoed into space
and death and dust covered a great city
and indeed the world

let us be united
united for those beautiful people
who were cruelly taken in a truly wicked fate
I remember that day, as if it was yesterday
the day the world lost its light and its hope

the day the world
stopped and stared in...
silence and disbelief.