Steve Goldenfort


It broadcasts the lie of scarcity, never enough to go around.

Hiding reality from all eyes, ensuring it not be found.

The solar cycle’s awakened us, now having a common goal.

The search for truth and knowledge, it turns out,  connects our mind, our body and our soul.

Be that skeptic with squinting eyes, hearing he “accidentally drown”.

Unlimited supply of narratives, put there to confound.

As all these escalations rise, it will be easier to see.

The more we fight amongst our selves, the less that we are free.

This is happening as it has, seven times before.

The golden age of enlightenment, again knocks on our door.

Invisible energy from the sun, ever on the rise.

Changing humanity’s structure, you will come to realize.

As you evolve into yourself, the process, clear to see.

You are the source of all that is, down here, split in three.

Place your attention on any moment and see what you have found.

That everything that’s ever been, is composed of just light, and of sound.