
Message for Nora

I pass by you everyday.
A simple greeting is what we share.
Yet, my heart grows more wishful with every passing step.

You know not my true feelings,
But my heart wants you.
My mind debates with it everyday as I pass,
Arguing over the appropriate move.
My mind wins every time, and I\'m forced to be content with a hello.

But, my heart urges me for this note.
It believes you are the answer to my loneliness.
But, my mind cautions me on such reckless abandon.
The feud is intense.

My heart is quick to jump on the case of my depression.
Noting every night spent cold and alone.
How the touch of a woman could change this all.
It begs my mind for leeway.

But my mind tells the hurtful truth;
What if there is another in your life?
A confession would mean embarrassment beyond compare.

My heart mentions the paradox that creates;
What if by the time it takes for her to know the truth,
She does in fact find another?
Meaning, we gave up a chance for love.

My mind doesn\'t rebut,
But due to my timid nature,
My mind always wins.

So, I long for the day when my heart wins,
But until then,
A friendly greeting is more than I\'ve had in a while...