A.D. Small

A Sad Run

A Sad Run

Prompt: For the mother groundhog that lost her baby to the streets!

There I was grazing in the grass
I heard the sound really fast
The sun warmed my brown fur
I looked up and I saw her
My little girl running near the road
Up ahead a truck begin to unload
I tried to call her, but still she ran
That\'s when tragedy began
She ran so fast on her small feet
Running towards the sound of the street
Quickly she ran, just a child
My little girl, is still, but wild
Her life began only 3 months ago
But near the road she did go
She was my whole world
Last night, by my side, she curled
And within 2 seconds, she was gone
Mother nature sang another sad song
A flash of wheels ended her short life
Oh, the agony, and strife
One minute happy the next minute dead
Rest in peace angel,
Is all I said

A.D. Small
May 13, 2023