
Love Will Be Thy Sword

No steed for him, his feet just fine

as he stands with conviction and power.

For he knows his destiny, his job to do,

from evil he would never cower.

He fights for the right! He fights for the Light,

The One true God, the Lord.

So, Michael approaches the devil himself

with his hand upon his sword.

It is for He and be it His will

that Michael uses his power.

The devil’s fate, his destiny,

is met this final hour.

An angel, himself, Satan he is,

but he just wanted it all

and God being the god He is

sent Michael to make him fall.


Be cast down from heaven, oh ungrateful one!

Be cast down to live out your days!

God has granted the power you sought,

but gave it in other ways.

Live out your life in darkness with fire.

Be cursed to Hell below!

Seek out your victims, or subjects you say

from the seeds that you will sow.

Evil, now upon knowing defeat

was forced to leave the clouds.

Michael, left standing upon his feet

was tall and strong and proud.

He fought off the evil that came to fight.

He fought for the grace of his Lord.

He fought for the good and all that is right

with pride, honor and sword.


So, even today, as we go into battle

ready to fight for the Lord,

remember always, your heart is your shield

and love will be thy sword!