
The Girl in the Chain Mail Dress

Here comes the girl in the chain mail dress,

Naïve and full of dreams just doing her best,

To leave a heel mark in an upside-down world,

No idea what can happen to an innocent girl.


Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat’s her guide,

What happened to real friends to walk by your side,

To tell you you’re beautiful, you’re smart and your kind?

They’re fighting the same fight, blind leading the blind.


The dress is so heavy, but shines with a flash

It blinds the onlookers, no one see the big gash

There, on her right shoulder, it’s created deep ruts

Droplets of bloods from thousands of cuts.


The catwalk’s so long, it feels like a mile

She’s hiding her pain with a plastered-on smile,

She’d rather be wearing her comfy, old jeans

Than this heavy metal dress she thought was her dream.


Is this the dream, all eyes on her?

The time of her life, a time to remember?

But her comfort’s dependent on her need to impress,

So here comes the girl in the chain mail dress.