David Wakeling


­­Winter, Winter, Winter,
You know I don’t love you anymore.
We had our time together and it was grand.
Evenings by the fireside and warm bowls of soup.
But I have moved on I don’t love you anymore.

Oh don’t pout. It doesn’t have to be like that.
Can’t we leave each other in a mature fashion.
Put down that icy wind and frozen landscape.
Its over now. Over.

I’ve moved on. I love Spring now.
What I have with Spring is real.
I deserve to be happy don’t I.

Oh don’t start a hurricane. It’s not necessary.
Spring and I have true love.
She’s warm and I can walk in the park with her.
She brings the flowers out and the chirping birds.

I’m sorry Winter it’s over now.
Let’s try for an amicable divorce.