

I feel empty.


Not empty like a cookie jar

Little crumbs left behind 

A clear absence of something that used to be there

Yet still filled with lingering scents of chocolate and caramel 

And memories of joy and excitement 

Patiently awaiting the arrival of newly baked goods and loving hands to put them there.


No, I feel empty like a deserted house

With memories stuck to the walls like plaster 

Forever clinging on no matter how hard you try to remove it 

A house so hollow any sound echos through the hallways 

Getting louder and louder until the windows rattle and its foundation shakes and you\'re scared the house might collapse 

For any furnishing has rotten away long ago, leaving only moldy skeletons behind.


I wish I was empty like a cookie jar.


But I will forever remain the deserted house 

Too damaged for anyone to take an interest in

Too fragile to handle it if anyone does 

And thus destined for a future of further decay

Forever hollow, desolate, and empty

Until finally, I collapse.