
Lost love

The rain is pouring on my roof
The winds are howling in the window
The night is soo dark and meek
How I wish you were near

In my dreams you look happy
that sparkle in your eyes
That laugh which escapes
The never ending tales
How I wish you never left

My eyes are dry of tears
The pain in my heart still fresh
I look so dull as life is gone
Have nothing to say at all
How I wish you knew how I felt

But Life goes on and never waits
The time spiralling fast and never stops
I am happy we had time together however small
Memories which could last a lifetime
How I wish I too am a happy memory

The moments shared will be remembered
The laughs we had will be special
The love we enjoyed will last forever
Remain in my heart you alwayz will
How I wish we had more time