Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Play with our Karl Marx’s children, my love

“Honey, my love

Life is not easy without you.

Living is not easy without you.

Breathing is not easy without you.

Sleeping is not easy without you.

Eating is not easy without you.

Reading is not easy without you.

Writing is not easy without you.

Thinking is not easy without you.

Laughing is not easy without you.

Smiling is not easy without you.

Cheering is not easy without you.

Mingling is not easy without you.

Hegemonic ideology is such an injustice to your life.

That has taken your breath, my love.

Daddy is not a medical doctor to prevent that deadly vaccine, my love.

When that Dr. Joseph Mengele follower experimented on your life, my love

I am so sorry, my love.

Forgive your dad for his poverty of medical knowledge, my love Stanford.

I trusted and believed in German doctors.

But that trust has become a victim in Germany, my love.

Our lives became labs for their experiment, my love.

When they cut your body for their medical examination

Your dad\'s broken heart, my love

But such inhuman doctors are hiding your autopsy report, my love.

Injustice is everywhere and a threat to human life

German asylum camps are such criminal places for extremist Islamic ideologies

Sleep well until Daddy comes to you, my little angel.

You are not alone, my love.

Daddy will come to you soon, my love.

Power, authority, and race are so inhumane to love, truth, and justice, my love.

I love you so much, my Stanford.

Play with our Karl Marx’s children, my love

Play with our Jewish children my love

Whom Dr.Josep Mengele took away”