Poetic Dan

The cycle is complete

You are your own person and this is who you are! A dog will never care about your inner or outer scars.
Sometimes the only thing to change is the fact to except who you are, walk free in your own shadow and see that\'s its OK.
It\'s ok to feel whatever it is you want to feel, taking any direction you feel is needed and most importantly at the pace that\'s right for you. Everything came together at just the right time to bring you into the world and there is no other reason than to just be you. Nature has a way of reflecting the beauty in the wonder of the miracle that it is to be alive, for that\'s what it\'s like to only see through loving eyes.

These words have been inspired by our first therapy session to help an amazing young soul step out of his comfort zone, this is now something we are going to look at offering because to be apart of changing humans lives the same way dogs helped me shape mine, is what will always be the closest to my heart.

So proud of this young man and grateful for the reminder to find happiness in who are, as we are all struggling at something on some level and it\'s those that we choose to let in that can help us along the path.

For if I had not stopped and chatted to someone in the park, to then later they become a client, to then some time on, my name got mentioned and had a meeting with an amazing mother looking to try every option she can to help her son, we would never of met.

Never has it ever felt so good to be who I am to help others feel the same about themselves.