Petrichor of Love

The Retrouvailles

When we two parted, in that shadowed space,

Did your heart tremble, did your tears trace,

A path of sorrow, like mine did so,

Or did you leave me, letting love\'s river flow?


In night\'s profound hush, do you recall with grace,

The whispered verses, hearts\' delicate race?

Mere echoes they were in the boundless expanse,

Or tokens, perchance, of an enduring romance?


The Retrouvailles, a voyage through forlorn strife,

In this quest for truth, do you still embrace life?

Did my absence plague thy nights and endless hours,

Or were love\'s waning beams but your heart\'s wilted flowers?


When we two parted, did you turn away,

To seek another\'s love, a brighter day?

Or did you linger in the realm of our dreams,

Haunted by memories, as strange as they seem?

The moon on high, in solemn watch it bides,

Within Retrouvailles, doubt in quiet hides,

Have you, like I, pondered in this hour\'s hue,

If love\'s eternal flame still burns for me and you?


In the corners of your mind, do you explore,

The moments we shared, the love we swore?

Or have they faded, like an old refrain,

Lost in the recesses of a distant plane?


When we, in twain, did part, my heart did rend,

Within love\'s labyrinth, I find rebirth\'s amend,

But do you ever reflect, as I do under moon\'s soft light,

If our love persists in the gentle pale of night?


The Retrouvailles is a journey through the ages past,

In this quest for verity, does gloom\'s shadow cast?

Did you embrace my love, or let it drift astray,

In the tides of time, like a ship that lost its way?


As the night deepens, my questions persist,

In the darkness of doubt, I still insist,

To unearth the secrets, to know if it\'s true,

That in your heart\'s chambers, my love still grew.


When we two parted, in that tender farewell,

Did you carry with you, the stories we\'d tell?

Or were they forgotten, like a fading song,

In the Retrouvailles, I long to belong.