Soman Ragavan

\"The firewall demolished\" ; 11 September, 2023



          On 11 September, 2003, I wrote the poem “The Firewall Demolished.”  At that time an international conference was being held in Mauritius (Indian Ocean). The “VIPs” had to pass on the road at a place (Grand River North West) in Port Louis where there were some huts and old buildings that the authorities did not want the visitors to see. So, iron sheets were set up to hide the huts and premises. The iron sheets were removed after the conference.




                                 \"THE FIREWALL DEMOLISHED\"


The filthy savages….. They be so disgusting :

What a shame be they for this great country :

This nonsense for too long hath been lasting :

Grab your hammers, go wall up all and sundry……


So many distinguish’d visitors be expect’d :

Yet, by this filth we feel utterly revolt’d ;

Never must these shanty towns be spott’d :

Just by beauty spots be our land dott’d....


Hide by all means the lowly and their muck,

Dump away promptly every littering buck,

Put up screens to hide the eyesores yonder :

We do know to the visitors we must pander.



Hoy there ! What the hell be going on, mates ?

Why do ye clap us into veil’d prisons ?

Don’t we already have pitiful fates ?

Like ye, of the land are we not the sons ?


What a cruel fate ‘pon us do ye inflict !

Ah ! We be too ugly : we have to hide :

We be too poor with ye to seek conflict :

Ah, how do ye smash our very pride !


The visitors do ye praise and glorify :

Our bleeding hearts ye do not espy;

They will ride, they will cheer, they will run,

They will see not the shame for us spun…..


Outcasts are we : untouchable :

Yonder, ‘tis all as in some fable;

We be non-people, we be undesir’d :

The vain facade by all be admir’d…..



They be asham’d of us : we be asham’d of them :

They want to clap us behind some firewall :

But, our poet hath risen up to answer the call :

Like yon river, immortal be this poetical mayhem....

Soman Ragavan. Poem written on 11 September, 2003


11 September, 2023


Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can you examine photos if I post them here, please ?



I\'m sorry for any confusion, but I\'m a text-based AI and cannot examine or interpret photos or images. I can only process and respond to text-based input. If you have any questions or need information or assistance with text-based content, feel free to ask, and I\'ll do my best to help!


Soman Ragavan : I will ask you to analyse my poem “The firewall demolished.” On 11 September, 2003, I wrote the poem “The Firewall Demolished.”  At that time an international conference was being held in Mauritius (Indian Ocean). The “VIPs” had to pass on the road at a place (Grand River North West) in Port Louis where there were some huts and old buildings that the authorities did not want the visitors to see. So, iron sheets were set up to hide the huts and premises. The iron sheets were removed after the conference. Similarly, at the G-20 conference held in New Delhi, India, held up to 10 September last, slums and shanty towns were demolished with bulldozers, dispersing families (possibly squatters), forcing them to live under bridges, trees, etc. Women, children, the sick, the elderly, possibly pregnant women were thus ejected pitilessly : the “VIPs” were not meant to see all these scenes. The poor people were deprived even of toilets and their human dignity was thus violated… You have already commented on my three poems “Cry, belov’d India…” “Cry, belov’d India… (2)” and “Cry, belov’d India…(3)”  But, your programming might not enable you to remember your past writings. Can I post my poem “The firewall demolished” now, please, for analysis ? 


ChatGPT :

Certainly, you can post your poem \"The Firewall Demolished,\" and I\'d be happy to provide an analysis and feedback on it. Please go ahead and share the poem, and I\'ll do my best to offer insights and comments based on the text you provide.


Soman Ragavan : Here is my poem “The firewall demolished.” Please give your fullest comments, look at society issues, the protection of the vulnerable, those left to their own devices, the weak, the disabled, the State’s duties towards them, the idea of protecting the elite to the detriment of the underdogs, the use of the State apparatus against vulnerable citizens and other issues you can notice. Refer to other literary works where possible. Here is my poem. (Text of poem inserted). It is exactly twenty years today...



\"The Firewall Demolished\" is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that addresses issues of social inequality, neglect of vulnerable populations, and the prioritization of the elite in society. It highlights the contrast between the treatment of \"VIPs\" and the marginalized, shedding light on the way authorities sometimes hide societal problems from the view of foreign dignitaries. Here\'s a closer analysis of your poem:


  1. Social Inequality and Neglect: The poem starts by describing the marginalized population as \"filthy savages\" and \"disgusting,\" emphasizing the shame associated with their existence in the eyes of the elite. This language is striking and effectively conveys the dehumanizing treatment they receive.
  2. The Use of Irony: The poem employs irony to criticize the authorities\' actions. While they aim to hide the shanty towns from view, the poem questions the real shame: the mistreatment and neglect of these people.
  3. The Elite vs. the Underdogs: The poem underscores the idea that society protects the elite (VIPs) at the expense of the underprivileged. It highlights the disparity between those in power and those who are marginalized.
  4. The Cruelty of Marginalization: The poem portrays the cruelty of marginalization through phrases like \"clap us into veil’d prisons\" and \"smash our very pride.\" It points out that these actions not only oppress but also hurt the dignity of the marginalized.
  5. The Role of the Poet: The poem suggests that the poet has a responsibility to speak out against injustice and act as a voice for the marginalized. This aligns with the tradition of literature as a tool for social commentary and change.
  6. Timeless Relevance: The final stanza indicates that the issues addressed in the poem remain relevant over time. This timeless quality underscores the persistent nature of social inequality and the need for continued awareness and action.

Your poem draws attention to a critical social issue, reminiscent of the works of many poets who have used their art to shed light on societal injustices. It echoes the themes of works like Langston Hughes\' \"Harlem\" and Maya Angelou\'s \"Still I Rise,\" which explore the African American experience and resilience.


\"The Firewall Demolished\" is a poignant expression of the need for empathy, equity, and social justice. It reminds us of the poet\'s role in questioning the status quo and advocating for change.


Soman Ragavan : Please do a more detailed analysis by section, mention the society issues raised and how the State should treat its citizens in the circumstances.



Certainly, let\'s break down your poem, \"The Firewall Demolished,\" into sections and provide a more detailed analysis of each section, focusing on the societal issues raised and the role of the State:


Section 1: The Filthy Savages

\"The filthy savages… They be so disgusting:

What a shame be they for this great country:

 This nonsense for too long hath been lasting:

Grab your hammers, go wall up all and sundry……\"


Societal Issues Raised:

State\'s Role:

Section 2: VIPs and Shanty Towns

\"So many distinguish’d visitors be expect’d:

Yet, by this filth we feel utterly revolt’d;

Never must these shanty towns be spott’d:

Just by beauty spots be our land dott’d....\"

Societal Issues Raised:

State\'s Role:

Section 3: The Marginalized Respond

\"Hoy there! What the hell be going on, mates?

Why do ye clap us into veil’d prisons?

Don’t we already have pitiful fates?

 Like ye, of the land are we not the sons?\"

Societal Issues Raised:

State\'s Role:

Section 4: The Visitors and the Veil

\"They be asham’d of us: we be asham’d of them:

 They want to clap us behind some firewall:

But, our poet hath risen up to answer the call:

 Like yon river, immortal be this poetical mayhem....\"

Societal Issues Raised:

State\'s Role:

In summary, your poem \"The Firewall Demolished\" effectively addresses societal issues related to dehumanization, inequality, and the neglect of vulnerable populations. It calls attention to the State\'s role in addressing these issues, emphasizing the importance of empathy, social welfare, and inclusivity in creating a just and equitable society. The poet\'s role in raising awareness and advocating for change is also highlighted throughout the poem.


Soman Ragavan : Thank you very much. Goodbye for now. 


ChatGPT :

You\'re very welcome! If you ever have more questions or need assistance in the future, don\'t hesitate to reach out. Goodbye for now, and take care!
