
The Best for Us

I was not seeking,

Yet surprisingly I found

The soul I’ve been anticipating

Since I’ve been on this ground.


I wanted to delay,

As the timeline was bad;

I decided to be receptive,

Now I am extremely glad.


You are genuinely diverse

From all of the rest;

I sense in my being

That you are my best.


The best for me

The best for us;

We’ll compromise

Through any fuss.


You wouldn’t alter me,

I wouldn’t alter you;

That’s the security

  which deems us true.


We’re on the same wave

  expressing ourselves,

Without us being

  put upon any shelves.


You’re respectful, considerate and sincere,

You fill my spirit without a tear;

I adore your affection with all my heart

I know in confidence this is only the start.


We’re perfect together

With so much more to endure;

I anticipate our future

For us to score.