
No Fight Is Bigger Than A Person!

There is a statement or rather a fact...

Which by me must be told, and by you be heard..

No Fight, I mean literally No Fight...

Is bigger than a person in this world!


Over issues which seem huge or petty, it doesn\'t matter...

It can be in the early years or even later..

Because when a fight you win, a person you lose..

Then you realize, him/her I should have understood!


The joy of winning an argument won\'t last long..

As there\'s nobody left now to come with you along..

All the people were burnt by your ego..

Now there\'s no one here with you to go!


That\'s why I say, if you want to be happy...

Then for each fight, let others win and yourself lose..

Ask for forgiveness, forgive and be at peace...

So that your relations with yourself and others, will never cease!



- Sahil Dhobale.