Oumeima Mouelhi

The Cycle of Life

The cycle of Life

A deep gaze from the window
In a slow motion walking slow
Transparent is the window just like the view
A view of the same beautiful landscape made new
May following April and soon June,
Seasons changing but never change life cycle like desert dunes
Last year in the same place I stood pensive
Thinking about how hasty time is, abrasive!
How deep is what I feel, in words it could hardly be made expressive
Seasons changing but never changing me, changing my vision
As long as I am standing here content most complacent
Thinking how mean is life, if you take it too seriously, how vacant!
Suddenly I remembered all those who passed by yesterday, they were existent
For a moment, time was frozen. Memories taking me back in the far distance.
Where are they gone, what are they doing, do they listen?
Do far gone people feel us when we feel they are just adjacent?