


I swept the red lipstick on my lips
crimson wax covered every crease, every corner.
It will last long they said.
Longer than the scars ?
For today my eyes failed to see the beauty;
only a blazing inferno.
Fiery, tired and hungry veins,
carrying the carefully crafted recipe of my blood.

Envy, rage, pride, lust, fury -
there was not enough room for my dreams.
It oozed out of my veins, thrown out of my body.
But it didn\'t flow, instead it hardened
like the twist ties used in packing toys -
serving the dual purpose of restrain and display.

Happy people are beautiful, they incite warmth
the way fire attracts moths - Their fate well known.
I looked for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
All I found was a corrupt mountain top infected with mediocrity.
That which inspired some to climb, and some to jump. 


