
Prayer Petitioning

Tune: Engelberg

(\'All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine\')

Matthew 7 v.7-11


Ask, and it shall be given unto you

Seek, and you shall find, this sure promise true

Knock, and it shall be opened unto you

God will hear you anew


For every one that asks, they do receive

And they that seek, they do sure find, believe

This, and to them that knock it shall be so

Open doors they shall know


Or who of you if your child asks for bread

Will give them useless stone for it instead?

Or if asking a fish, will give serpent

And child\'s request dissent?


If you then, human, sinful, know how to

Give good gifs to your children, so to you

Will your heavenly Father give much more

To you, you be not poor


Help us, Lord, pray, to ask and seek and knock

Though you willing to hear us, do not block

Our prayers, but even your Spirit us give

In you we truly live