sonal monhyung


                            Night  🌌


Nothing reliable than sit on the top ;

Of the house or balcony side .

Counting those tiny twinkle stars ,

In the light of moon up of clouds.

After counting hundred and half ;

Sleep on the terrace looking at stars .

A calm and a peaceful night ,

Is  a time of relax and fresh mind .


With  blowing  sound of soft wind ,

And fire bees around trees ; 

But , with bark of street dogs :

In the street or along the road .

Make all these things like in a dream ,

A haunted one or one in a fairyland .

A calm and a peaceful night ,

Is a time for relax and fresh mind .


After a while , smell of delicious meal ;

Knock mind for a break time .

To ideal time for study and research ;

For everyone on their work .

Or a time ideal for parties :

All  these things in one night .

A calm and a peaceful night ,

Is a time for relax and fresh mind .


A peaceful time for lying ,

On the bed after dying ; 

Of all those jobs in day hours ;

make people tired and a working tower.

Lie on the sofa , free from stress ,

That come with work dress.

A calm and a peaceful night,

Relaxes people and give a fresh mind .