sonal monhyung

One\'s nation

When a child call her mother,

She realise something other:  

I have a mother but who is her birth giver ? 

When my mother is great , but 

She is greater than everyone\'s mother .


One word that Is greater than this ,

One word that is in every one\'s heart ; 

What is her nation ?

One\'s nation is everything for her people\'s 

It is like a god mother .


Everyone has love for her nation ,

Like a child for her mother .

Everyone has feeling for her nation\'s people

Like a member of a big  family .

It is a nation full of people\'s and families.


Beside colour of skin or shape of body ,

Everybody respect each other  within a country.

May be same language but different dialect

With a country and it\'s people lyric .

But, love is always great for one\'s nation and it\'s peoples .