
A Bit Dry - Ramblings

A ramble about sundry things


I\'ve dried up a bit

Not like an old prune

But with me \'hymn-book\'

Not been writing so many new ones

But digging out old ones that got missed out


Come, sweet muse, inspire me

Calliope? Or whatever your name is

Didn\'t I meet ya 3 million years ago?


To be sensible, it\'s God\'s Spirit really

I can\'t think up the hymns all by myself

Though needing vocabulary

To make words rhyme

With me 8888s and 8686s and 486375s, etc

Am I playing bingo?!


What other themes, maybe?

More tales of nuttiness?

Entitled \'Of trouts (you know her, KP), or Fido, or botox\'


Or rants about a certain church

That never stops asking for money

I gotta pray that bit of prayer

\'Lead us not into temptation\'

Cos I\'m tempted to send them a nasty note

Saying things Fido will bark at

Such as, putting it mildly:

\'Don\'t ya realise there\'s a cost living crisis?\'


I\'d write something \'hot\'

But would I ever finish the poems?

I would make myself swoon! heehee