Rebecca Drimmel

Forever Home (Song Lyrics)


Now you’re in the arms of our lord

You’re walking on Heavens Shores

You’ll never feel unhappy tears

You’ll never walk alone, on your own

It’s written in stone, Heaven is your forever home


Then one day, free of pain

Jesus always comes through in every way

With your wings

you flew away

All along I knew you knew the way

Then Jesus came, to take you someplace safe

Somewhere I had, always prayed


All along you lead the way

On a path to the greatest place


Now you’re in the arms of our lord

You’re walking on Heavens Shores

You’ll never feel unhappy tears

You’ll never walk alone, on your own

It’s written in stone, Heaven is your forever home


You’re on a path

Walking side by side with Jesus

With a smile on your face

I know one day

We’ll be face to face


Jesus I know I cannot be consoled

But your love is the greatest ever told

Safely you keep him

In your forever home


All along you lead the way,

Jesus take him someplace safe

Up to heavens gates


Now you’re in the arms of our lord

You’re walking on Heavens Shores

You’ll never feel unhappy tears

You’ll never walk alone, on your own

It’s written in stone, Heaven is your forever home


Jesus I know I cannot be consoled

But your love is the greatest ever told

Safely you keep him

In your forever home