Yuksel Inel

Mirrors and faces


In the depths of mirrors,

unknown abysses lost hopes:

The more I look, the more I multiply like running water,

I look at my faces crying with me.


I don\'t know which face is mine, the one looking at me.

I\'m questioning!


In the desolation of the mirrors, as they look at each other 

sorrow in one, joy in the other.

In their reflections, they find a lost memory.


I don\'t know which face is looking at me. 

I\'m looking for it.



the sea of eternity where past and future meet. 

My faces! 

My multiple selves! My silent screams!

Faces reflected in a piece of glass...

I don\'t know which of my faces is looking at me... I\'m waiting.


I erase my faces from the mirrors.

But the faces are still in the mirror, looking at me, winking.

in the labyrinth of my lost selves,

I don\'t know which of my faces is looking at me... I just stare.