

A synthetic superhero without the cape but the alter ego is very real 

I prayed to God every night to make me ten feet tall and bulletproof, but it was not HE who answered. 

Now I’m hooked on the rush, and I need someone to rescue me, on my knees with head hung in shame 

This drug is like a corkscrew, every turn of the handle buries my inhibitions, my common sense deeper and deeper 

Is it God, or have I found that substance that will make the shit show I call my life, disappear and not a trace of my pathetic former self left. 

Show me the heavens, give me a false sense of security while I suckle on that chemical teat. 

Tell me your name mighty one and I shall be reborn with every new hit I take. 

I surrender myself entirely to you if you never leave my side, I will worship at your temple for the rest of my days 

The price of your love is far greater than I could’ve imagined, for you seek out the innocence and untainted in a world full of monsters 

Cold, dead hands grip my mind and I’m numb once again, feeling like I can fly, sadly more dead than alive, just another lost soul who’s succumbed to your power 

Who will save me, save our people from this chemical destruction? 

Am I destined to be just Another 


