
A dark, scary poem, your soul declared.

Beneath the moon\'s pale, haunting glow,

Where eerie winds and shadows grow,

In the heart of the forest, dark and deep,

Lies a secret that you dare not keep.


Whispers of dread through twisted trees,

Chill the bones with a spectral freeze.

In the depths of night, a chilling spree,

Invisible horrors, none can see.


Footsteps echo on the cobblestone,

Yet, in the gloom, you stand alone.

A specter\'s breath upon your neck,

Fear\'s icy fingers, a haunting wreck.


Ghosts of the past, they silently weep,

In this nightmare realm, they softly creep.

In the corners of your mind, they hide,

In the darkness, where fear resides.


The clock strikes twelve, a mournful knell,

As you descend to the depths of hell.

In this tale of terror, you are ensnared,

A nightmare\'s grip, a soul laid bare.


So beware the night, the shadows, too,

For in the darkness, fear shall brew.

In this macabre dance, you\'re ensnared,

A dark, scary poem, your soul declared.