Petrols down

Petrol prices dropped more than twenty cents overnight!

Don\'t want to give those tourists a fright. 

The weekly workers, and locals travelling around, pay the inflated prices to keep their business model sound. 

I think tourism benefits the few. 

Most of us others just get screwed. 

Paying inflated prices for meals and goods, 

Or buy from the chains, if your out in the hood. 

The world over, take a look around,

Prime realestate reserved for rich fat cows.

I noticed in Asia what it does for the poor, 

Were they better without it?

Of that I\'m not sure. 

I\'ve been a tourists on them I\'m not down, 

Are we better without it?

\"No!\"  Says the crowd. 

Growing up on a working river, joy did abound  

And there was hardly a weekend without friends or family around...

Share a few oysters and more than one beer...

\"Stay over, have dinner.\"

A house full of cheer. 

And when it was our turn we\'d pack up the car...

Off on adventures both near and far...

Were hospitality was given and no price was paid. 

Yes when I think about it, it was a much better way.

Now the humble village is losing control as the tourism dollar rips out its soul. 

Can\'t park on the weekend there up to the fence,

With flashy new cars and no common sense. 

A stark contrast to the poor resident,  with the rusty jalopy, behind on their rent.

There should be a way we can all get along, 

But I fear: it\'s out with the old and in with the throng. 

Okay for me, I just stay at home, 

And work in my garden, 

Where I\'m left alone.