
The Misguided Dance of Digital Discourse

In the vast realm where pixels play,

Where words are thrown without delay,

I\'ve witnessed folly, seen absurd,

The thoughtless click, the errant word.


Misguided fingers tap the keys,

Spewing falsehoods with such ease,

“Loose” and “lose” they interchange,

While \"you\'re\" and \"your\" forever estranged.


A realm where facts are oft ignored,

Where myths are birthed, and lies are stored,

Claiming Earth is truly flat,

Or that I\'m friends with someone\'s cat.


GIFs and memes, they all parade,

But logic often starts to fade,

Amidst the comments, bold and crass,

It\'s hard to see true intellect pass.


Caps LOCK as their battle shield,

In online fights, they never yield,

Claiming victory with bad grammar,

Their logic skewed, their words a clamor.


But amongst the chaos, there’s some light,

Some who share, with true insight,

Though the internet’s a wild domain,

Hope remains amidst the bane.


For every troll, a hero’s born,

For every thorn, there\'s a rose\'s thorn,

So in this space of digital dream,

Let\'s uplift voices, and let wisdom beam.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf