Eugene S.

Sigma Surface Mindset

  It\'s a very mellow Oktoberfest-first-day at Dunderbaks. Me & maybe two others at the bar. I want to debate someone on Ren\'s Discord, but I don\'t care about the current topics - racism, antifa, and nazis. I\'ve been dreading and evading those things for years. I know the debate won\'t be productive for me  in any way. I thought about throwing my \'Peregrination\' poem in the mix to spark My kind of debate, but decided not to.


If you accept a concept
Do you become subject to it
Does fantasy become your home
Or does fantasy become real

When you are cast from there
Are you no longer subject to it
Does reality become your new home
In your moments of despair

What if you belong to neither
Subject to nothing at all
Now there is a place to reside
Where worlds no longer care]

  I can tell by the current discussions in \'Discussions\' that they\'ll never see or hear anything I\'m trying to say. (Maybe I\'ll do a rauchbier and reconsider. Hey, someone just received their jägerschnitzel. Yes.)

  A bum got mad at the world because I had no cash on the way in. I thought about getting some cash to give to him on the way out, but I don\'t know if I should - there\'s a hundred ways to look at that too.

  Soccer is currently playing on the bar screen - some kind of Turkish league I understand, but soccer is so boring to me. Yeah, I\'m definitely doing an Aecht Schlenkerla after the märzen - a strong one. Sounds like they have an \'oak\' smoked version. Awesome!

  Actually, it\'s kinda subtle, but beautiful. I always imagine gatherings of cool people, BBQ, and nighttime cold air when I drink a rauchbier. Viva Oktoberfest! Fall is coming! I can hear the crackling of the fire, imagine what\'s rummaging around in the woods, hear the discussions in the circle.

  But back to text message reality. Jeremy was rear-ended on a trip to Alabama, Joe had to work, Tyson & Ryann are attending another event (something I was supposed to attend too). Mike & Tim? Out living the life, I\'m sure. So it\'s just me, my pub, my bier. I could think of something deep to write a poem about, but something told me to do this instead, and for what it\'s worth, I don\'t know, maybe this can mean something too.

  But things don\'t seem to mean as much anymore. Been struggling with that a little, here lately. Could have something to do with aging, but the world is not the same. Even though we\'re all in this together, we\'re not in this together. You can see the division, and nazis not withstanding, they are no less than anything else that is crazy and is going on right now. Everyone is RIGHT, and as Sting once wrote, \"I don\'t subscribe to that point of view.  It would be such an ignorant thing to do...\". Music, somehow, brings us together, but is it only temporary? If we quit listening to the song, do we go right back to the mud? Some have said that it will take a great tragedy to bring us together. I think that\'s true, but our tragedies have been flippant at best. The fact that we just went through a pandemic where millions died - it really had no effect on the outlook for mankind.

  Greg texted me just now. Said to come to Grove Roots and try Brian\'s new quad that\'s on tap. He\'ll yeah, on my way. As I leave, there\'s no bum. I actually have a 20 spot to give him. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was late. I certainly hope it wasn\'t cruel, but the world is not the same anymore. He might\'ve been a player. Don\'t know.

  The ride was awesome. Boston\'s \'Foreplay\' & \'Long Time\' came across Sirius\'s \'Classics\' station. Hit repeat on that! Heard some Sting, some Tesla, and Eddie. Pearl Jam will always be close to me in some way. I wonder if I would actually like Eddie as a person? His political accusations drive me nuts, but there\'s something about his music that pulls at me. His music did help me get through some deadly times in the distant past, but you create these personas in your head that you like. Probably a set up, just to be let down. I hope not, though.

  Everybody\'s here. Guess I came to the right place. It\'s packed! Hey, Alex is working here now. There\'s  Dee! Let me get Brian\'s Belgian. It\'s so good. A little heavy on the malts, but good. I see their Oktoberfest-Märzen listed. I\'ll get that next so as not to be sacrilegious. \"Hey Brian, your Quad is good!!\", \"Is anyone sitting here Greg?\".

  It felt good to walk in to a place where everyone knows you. I can hear the old Cheers theme song from years ago. Brian\'s retired now, has plenty of time to make beer with Paul and the gang. I may have to start coming here more often. They just don\'t have the reubens & the Haaker Pschorrs I love so much at my German pub. Choices. Maybe it\'s good that I found no debate to get involved in today because, again, I don\'t think anyone would get it, and my homies have severely distracted me ... no, no, it\'s not the beer. So, here\'s to Oktoberfest, märzenbier, reubens, friends & rants!
