
Lost sheep

We are all lost sheep in a pasture,

Trying to find our way to our true master,

Father God  in heaven above,

Is looking down on us out of love,

As Lost sheep we don\'t know what to do,

Lord, we are trying to make our way to you,

Trying to do things right, but keep falling short,

Nonetheless you keep sheltering us from the worst of the storms,

We\'re not perfect,and are undeserving of your forgiveness,

Yet, you give it to us because it is us that you miss,

You made us in your image, knowing that  we will disappoint you,

But you love your lost sheep so much, you sent your Son from you,

To die on the cross for our transgressions and sins,

To take the punishment for all women and men,

Gave us free choice to chose our own fate,

Whether we choose Satan or You, before it\'s too late,

Lord, we are lost sheep, so lead  us to where we must be,

To love and worship you, Father, Which will always be free,

Lord, we need you now more than ever,

To take the reins of our lives and lead our endeavor,

As one of Your sheep, Lord  I will follow you,

I will thankfully give my life working for You.