Bobby O



It was a tangled mess. It was an important matter, and it required resolution Jumping  right in all gung ho, ignoring the hero syndrome illusion 
Progress was elusive as if it were buried in the desert deep and there were acres and acres of sand 
Trying to find an answer not really knowing the proper question or demand  That’s the point of full stop, my frustration soon began 
The very day I woke up knowing we, together , were perfect, was the very day she left
From this , What could be the question that serves to fill the hollow soul in my possession? Ironically my desert search uncovers every God forsaken Oasis but rather than cool water , I’d rather drink the sand cuz frenzied moving granules moves one grain closer to my plan, if I could only know which question asked gets me to understand that what I was sure was absolute, turned to dromedary neverland. 
Bobby O