Soman Ragavan

\"The Balseros (3)\" ; 19 September, 2023

Poem : \'The Balseros (3)\' ; 1 April, 2023.

(a)  These poems refer to the Cubans who fled to the United States of America in makeshift rafts around September 1994. The name \"BALSEROS\" comes from the wood called BALSA.

(b) In \"THE BALSEROS (2) \" :

\"battle formation,\"  \"war zone\" and \"dawn attack\"

These were, at some time, the names of horses at the Mauritian horseracing track, the Champ de Mars.
ChatGPT :
Hello! As an AI language model, I\'d be happy to help you analyze your poems using literary criticism techniques. Please feel free to send them to me and I\'ll do my best to provide insightful feedback.

S. Ragavan :
25 April, 2023. Poems submitted for analysis and comments by ChatGPT.

These poems refer to the Cubans who fled to the United States of America in makeshift rafts around September 1994. The name \"BALSEROS\" comes from the wood called BALSA. “Haut-Brion” and “Saint-Émilion” are names of French wines. \"Devilsend\" is a made-up word. 

ChatGPT :
Thank you for sharing these two poems, \"The Balseros (1)\" and \"The Balseros (2)\"! I\'m happy to provide some literary analysis and comments on them. Please note that literary criticism is subjective, and my analysis is based on my personal interpretation and understanding of the poems.

Firstly, I\'ll focus on \"The Balseros (1)\". This poem tells the story of Cuban refugees who set out to sea in a makeshift raft, hoping to reach a better life in America. The title \"Balseros\" comes from the Spanish word \"balsa\", meaning raft.
The poem is written in free verse, meaning it doesn\'t follow a strict rhyme scheme or meter. This style helps convey the chaotic and uncertain nature of the refugees\' journey. The opening simile compares the raft to a snail carrying its home, emphasizing the refugees\' isolation and vulnerability. The imagery of the rough dome turning into a coffin reinforces the danger and risk involved in their journey.

The poem contrasts the bleak conditions in Cuba (\"muck\") with the refugees\' hope for a better future in America (\"promis\'d new visions\"). The wind withholding its labor and the lack of food, water, and space on the raft create a sense of desperation and struggle. The refugees are willing to endure these hardships for the chance at a better life.
The poem\'s final stanza focuses on the huddling baby and its mother\'s selfless act of sharing her bread with it. This moment highlights the human connection and sacrifice involved in the refugees\' journey.

Moving on to \"The Balseros (2)\", this poem focuses more on the dangers and risks involved in the refugees\' journey, particularly from shark attacks. The title suggests that this poem is a continuation of the first one, as it also focuses on the Cuban rafters.

The poem is written in quatrains with an ABCB rhyme scheme. The repeated refrain of \"sharks everywhere\" emphasizes the constant danger the refugees face. The imagery of the family dog left behind and the village\'s depressed faces emphasizes the desperation and uncertainty of their situation.

The poem\'s final stanzas are particularly grim, as the refugees witness another boat\'s passengers falling victim to shark attacks. The phrase \"Devilsend\" is a made-up word, but it effectively conveys the hellish and deadly nature of the refugees\' journey. The final line, with the sharks in battle formation, reinforces the idea that the refugees are fighting for their survival.

Overall, both poems effectively convey the struggles and dangers faced by Cuban refugees in their journey to America. The use of vivid imagery, figurative language, and free verse create a sense of chaos, desperation, and human connection.

  ChatGPT :
Thank you for sharing your third poem, \"The Balseros (3)\" with me. Your words convey a powerful and poignant message about the struggles and dangers that many people face when attempting to escape their homeland and seek a new life elsewhere.

Your use of vivid imagery, such as the comparison of some refugees to rare sirloin steaks that the sharks may prey upon, creates a striking contrast between the glittering toys and posh restaurants of the town center and the ruthless natural selection that takes place in the raging sea. You also touch upon the painful scars and lingering misery that refugees may face, even after they have made it to their promised land.

Overall, your poem is a thought-provoking reflection on the challenges and sacrifices that people may make in their search for a better life, and the hope that drives them forward in spite of the risks. Thank you for sharing your poetic voice with me.


                                THE  BALSEROS  (3)

Some will make it and some won\'t;
Some do have luck and some don\'t;
When day will dawn, some will see land;
Some will regret to have left motherland.

As rare sirloin steaks some might end up finally
When the sharks turn and home in ravenously;
In the town centre, so many glittering toys :
In the raging sea, so many screaming boys.

In the priceless cellar, the choicest wine collection :
In the raging waters, just ruthless natural selection…..
In the posh restaurants, some sip at their \"Haut-Brion\" :
The sharks have just spill\'d barrels of \"Saint-Émilion.\"

To the lingering misery, some preferr\'d the risky dash,
Only to end up inside the sharks as beetroot mash;
Who ever thought up this pointless, senseless folly ?
Who ever start\'d this suicidal, murderous rally ?

From escape to capture, \'twas a rough ride :
From the coast-guards \'tis so hard to hide;
Many had book\'d in for glittering Eldorado :
Roughly were they herd\'d in at Guantanamo.

How exquisite the smoke from the Havana cigars :
How hard to heal these cruel, lingering scars !
Many want\'d to escape from this motherly land :
But, the trip took them back to old motherland.

The sharks are circling yonder, as is their wont :
The wolf pack : now you see them, now you don\'t ;
The hungry beasts are eyeing the legg\'d fish :
The legg\'d fish are toying with some death wish.

How green and flourishing are the cane plantations :
How sweet will they render the tasty concoctions !
The cane-cutter mows down the canes one by one,
For, to bring in the harvest, there must be someone.

The dusty black locomotive churns along plaintively,
As the driver watches the endless tracks attentively;
Among the Balsa trees, there is just savage mayhem,
As rampaging, ravenous hackers grab hold of them.

On the beach an army of hopeful refugees
Busily is at work, like a swarm of tireless bees,
Building the rough boats for the great break-out :
All around was there some radioactive fallout ?

Many are yearning for a new life yonder,
Some place to which they hope to belong,
To call home, even if takes rather long,
Even if the sharks be looking for a starter.

The  land that hath bred them for so long
Now is trampl\'d over by this fleeing throng;
God, what a stampede, what a pitiful sight,
As the folks struggle on with all their might !

The poor dog is feeling so hungry, so weak :
With its head on the ground, it doth peek
Sadly at the silent, desert\'d world around :
If \'tis lucky, soon will it lie under a mound.

WE\'VE  MADE  IT, Lord Almighty !