

We are a sisterhood, though not blood,

We understand things that no one else could,

The things that you went through, 

I went through them too,

The things that we survived,

I thank God that we\'re alive,

Everything happens for a reason, be them good or bad,

From wherever at today, I will be thankful for the horrible times I had,

If not for them, I would not know anything was wrong,

And I would still be singing that awful heartbreaking song,

So I\'m thankful for everything, because they made me free,

They led good friends and an incredible husband directly to me,

So thank you Maxine, and thank you Liz for entering into my story,

Let\'s make this a happy ending and give God honor and glory,

So we are part of a special sisterhood,

Change things, NAH, I wouldn\'t if I could