As much as the thought of death terrifies me
I can\'t help but imagine
it must be beautiful?
well, none on earth
can say they have been to see for themselves?
otherwise they’d have to explain
how on earth can they be here now?
If you\'ll pardon my pun
I guess I was dead before I was born?
That’s a theory personal to me
I don\'t remember it hurting
before I was alive
sometimes, life hurts now though
I know many people
who are on the other side
i\'ve never heard of any of them coming back
because they hated it?
and why are graveyards so terribly cold?
not much fun nor pleasant on the eye
even though a tombstone has a name on it
all those names are just a memory for someone here right?
having visited many graves
I can honestly say
It’s a peaceful place
dark to the living heart yes
yet I believe those lost souls
must be somewhere?
probably in a parallel world
of complete content?
not as who they once were
but as themselves
and who they always really wanted to be?
it must be a beautiful place
full of every wonder that we don’t have here?
when I get there
maybe i’ll even be a songwriter?
life really is, like a song.