A.B. Jakobsen

When souls abandon

My pointless frolic in this world is done

But neither shall I go to heaven nor hell

For when Azrael came in hideous knell

I threshed from grasp and in darkness was spun

I fell and fell for eons and eons

Thro weird sparks of ethereal space 

Where neither god or satan is sovereign

And in my plummet, it all embrace 


The boat that sails on stygian waves

The cloaked boatman, bloated and cruel

Moaning the hymn of blasphemous rule

And the echoing of yawning graves

Of pilgrims with an ill met bourne 

Plodding towards he, the rotten king

To his kingdom of eldritch decay

And by my sight sanity doth sway


In eternities past, I sank below

The earthly pond to cosmic ocean

Away from all of human notion

And slights of weirdness I now know

Worlds swallowed by what I could not see

Atonal warbling from black hole’s chant

The moaning abyss from whence god fled

Where Satan was curled and in madness rant


The sheltered dolts of heaven’s garden

The mad fools of fiery hell 

This I say, for I eternal fell 

Callous is he whose soul will harden

And mad is he who it all encompass

At the nebulous ridge of nothingness

I now keen and shriek to madness\' show

As I\'ve become all the strange that you do not know


21 September, 2023