
Stuffed Tiger on the Goblet


He’s just as old as me, or perhaps a little older,

a visual heartfelt memory, of times that were less colder,

lounging back in blue vest, proud stains upon his paws,

though he maybe tiger, there are no sign of claws,


he’s a sign of peace, that states, no fighting in the den,

in silent cotton wisdom, he reminds me to be Ben,

I look into his amber eyes, and I can clearly see,

after the fog of life wisps away, all I see is me,


he’s perched upon mock challis, of Tudor yesteryear,

to mark the rite of passage, orange juice to a beer,

a semblance of maturity, attaches to my child,

in times, to be a strongman, where I have to be less mild,


he’s stuffed tiger on the goblet, these things are my friends,

they will never leave my side, until my day beckons,

I need them to retell my soul, I have some wholesome roots,

his roar will echo into cup, a sound that has no mutes.