
Bearer of the past





…….Can’t fix them, but is it my mistake, yes I raised them, but the flaws are deep rooted in life’s design; are those flaws really mines, it’s hard to stay calm, patience is something I can’t find, a flaw that was handed down and became mines, and now it’s their time. I have anger to give, cause it’s all I’ve been given, to stop me from sinning, nevertheless I’m never grinning, anger isn’t sinning, I was taught it keeps the leaders winning; it made the hungry fat, and those without it kept thinning. I have flaws to give that was given, are we but links in a chain, when we’re born has life begun again, or is it a continuation of the life giver, just cause we’re born with our own livers, doesn’t mean we don’t shiver when another shakes, or caress our own necks while witnessing decapitations, we need no explanations, David Blaine can’t explain, cause it’s not a trick, or is it.