
Admiration in Shadows: A Girl\'s Innocent Love Story

In the hallway of teenage whim,

Among fancies light and grim,

There exists a silent love,

As quiet as a cooing dove.


A love that is simple and pure,

Yet holds a fascination, for sure.

For as I walk past rows of seats,

My heart flutters, then repeats.


In jeans of blue or shorts of hue,

I find my thoughts circling through,

The marvel of those curves so cute,

Oh, the charm of a well-fitted suit!


In laughter\'s peal or serious mien,

On faces, every emotion seen,

Yet my eyes, they wander south,

Held captive by a wordless mouth.


Cute butts, Oh, they steal my gaze,

As I traverse the school\'s wide maze.

No ill intent, nor foul deceit,

Just an appreciation, subtly sweet.


Their shapes, a myriad, fill my sight,

In shadows soft or the sun\'s bright light.

Round or firm, or somewhere between,

A love so silent, seldom seen.


I pen these words, a tribute fair,

To a fascination beyond compare.

An ode to cute butts, far and wide,

A teenage girl\'s secret pride.


Amidst the bustle, amid the fuss,

Who would\'ve thought it\'d be thus?

A simple joy, found in a glance,

In the theatre of life\'s vast expanse.


Cute butts, they dance in my dream,

An innocent love, under moonbeam.

This is my secret, my silent song,

In a world where we all belong.


So here I sit, a poem in hand,

About a love that\'s grand,

From a teenage girl, a simple truth unfurls,

She loves the cute butts of boys and girls.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf