



I am sitting next to you

But I am alone

Your words never reach me -

They dance, unaware, in front of my eyes


I hear you speaking

But I just watch quietly the reverberating sounds

Waiting for the room to grow silent again

Nodding my presence from time to time


I feel the tension in you

And I do not want to pollute myself 

So instead I imagine boarding an escape pod

And propelling myself into outer space


Then the inevitable question comes:

“So how was your day?”

But I am too far away to answer:

“Oki Doki” comes my absurd reply!


I have lost the connection

Hung up when you entered the room

I wonder if my heart has grown cold

Or the line gone dead


I imagine speaking with someone else

More softly spoken

More emotionally adept

As I move further away from you


I wonder if you notice

That I am no longer present

That I no longer share myself with you

I’m sure you do?


But you are too afraid to say so.