Bobby O


 She had capability
Along with many layers to unwrap 
Think Holmes v Moriarity
Egos, Enemies, skills that overlap 
Contrasted styles fill arenas for great Pugilists
But Only in these whispered words does this tale exist
 antagonist v protagonist
 Villain foe and Hero Role inhabitants on constant switch 

With the lure of French Perfume of course there was a costume 
Gripped  her curves cueing excite at night,  she donned it very rare, to encourage affair or a trap ensnare ?
for pleasure or persuasion?
 her hidden motive a secret each occasion 

First time Horse you chase that Dragon
Marooned on Rocks by Sirens Lure
Friends of Bill fall off the Wagon
The line we crossed did doom procure

Not just a promise it was a contract 
All bills all profits split  
It’s best Sex and Business don’t interact 
I kept no diary, turns out she detailed  a list 
Her lawyers had powerful munitions
Proxy this and Writ-le that
Our business now in bleak condition
How Casey felt in that last at bat 

Desperate and one last card to play 
Vital patent remained solely in my name 
Her and I across the table my leverage on display 
She realized it changed the game 
She’d own the business I’d get royalties 
Bloodthirsty ploy peacefully exited the room 
I learned a truth about sex and loyalty 
Stepped away  and inhaled one last wisp of that perfume.