
Momentum  of Compliance:

           My Silent Inner Voice. Written in a Present & Future Perception. Beware Zombies      


You\'re a spiritual being 
In a body on the Earth
But stuck in your mind
Your opprotunity is lost 
You never could see it
You were an actor in a play
A good little sheep 
That always obeyed


You wouldn\'t listen
You didn\'t care
You would not dare
Do your own investigation


I dont feel sorry for you
Children of the fiction
Four years of covid
Still you bow the knee


Especialy you 
Who knew it was a scam 
Enemy and traitor
Betrayed the inner man


That was you getting fake jabs
Yet you said:
Government is your light


Lest they fine or jail you
Sacrifice whats right
Materialism owns you
Dare to look inside?


A virtual simulation
A shadow in control
Principles of the masses
Poof! a house of cards


Pedophile governance 
And yet you still gave in
Parasites fed on you
A shameful end

All the shit that happened
Still you couldn\'t see
I dont have \"education\"
Yet I knew the world a stage


You wanted proof
I gave documentation
I shouted my voice 
I never complied


Wasn\'t enough
The energy I spent
Thanks you said
Still you obeyed


The war has always been there
Fighting for your mind
Now they own body and soul
I gave you warning


So now I say
Fuck you zombie
I put my Conscience to rest
They conviced you that I\'m the enemy 


I know myself
In love I put you down
I wasn\'t afraid of you 
Or your delusion


I didn\'t hesitate
To put you in the ground
My inner man roared
at you and your lords


Pycopaths ruled you
You chose to be a slave
You flipped off freedom
on every occasion


The secret was inside you
But you didn\'t do the work
You believed external lies
Your truth is someone elses


You missed the greatest journey 
The journey within yourself
You didn\'t need house and car
To be a real person


Children of the Earth 
You forsook the common laws
The secrets are now hidden
Your histories rewritten


It was war 
But you weren\'t counted
You were AWOL
It was slaugter


I pity you
Because you never knew
What and who you are
Is there anything sadder?


Too much momentum
A patent on your soul
You made it grow
All you had to say was NO


Your owners abused you
And your life was a lie
Brutal honesty
Your breath is forgotten

ben visser sept 21 2023 - sept 22 2023