
Cosmic Bellboy

In the vast canvas of life\'s intricate tale,
Where freedom dances through every detail,
I once sought God as a cosmic bellboy\'s aid,
Unaware of His love\'s profound serenade.

With fervent prayers that reached the heavens high,
I yearned for rescue when troubles drew nigh.
But God, in His wisdom, gently held my hand,
Guiding me towards a destiny unplanned.

No puppeteer, He grants autonomy\'s grace,
Honoring our choices, each step we embrace.
Though the world may falter, and wrong may prevail,
God\'s love endures, steadfast and never frail.

In moments of confusion, anger, and despair,
I wondered why God seemed not to be aware.
But now I comprehend His divine decree,
Allowing us to taste life\'s bitter and sweet.

For in the freedom to stumble and to fall,
We learn, we grow, and from mistakes, stand tall.
Through failures and triumphs, our spirit finds voice,
As we navigate life\'s twists, our souls rejoice.

Oh, Lord, I am grateful for the gift of free will,
To wander through valleys, explore every hill.
For in this freedom, I discover my worth,
And through Your miracle, find my own rebirth.

No longer searching for a cosmic co-dependent,
I bask in Your love, boundless and transcendent.
For in Your detachment, I find true freedom\'s ray,
A journey of self-discovery and love\'s pure display. (\"Cosmic Bellboy\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.