wandering soul

What if

What if I close my eyes today?

What if I stop breathing today

Will the pain I’m feeling disappear

Will the life get better

What if I stop feeling any emotions today

What if the heart turns into stone today

Will I hate myself or will I love myself

Will life change tomorrow

What if I die today

What if my eyes wont open again

Will they remember me

Will they come to my grave and talk to me

Will they tell me how much I meant for them

Will they tell me how much they missed me

Or will it be a lonely grave with no flowers on it

A grave without any visitor

A grave that no one with miss

A grave no one with remember

What if I stop myself today

Will tomorrow be better

What if I stop crying today

Will I be happy tomorrow

What if nothing happens today

Will tomorrow be the same as today

~Wandering Soul