Bhumika Chowdhury_1437


To be in love, a risk we take,

With hearts exposed, we willingly ache,

Knowing we may stumble, trip, and fall,

But the beauty of it all, we heed the call.


For in love\'s embrace, joy lies ablaze,

Though vulnerability may set us ablaze,

We brave the storms, the tempest\'s plight,

Guided by love\'s unwavering light.


Just as the warmth of spring will gleam,

It\'s intertwined with winter\'s ice-cold dream,

For without the frost\'s bitter grasp,

The blooming flowers would not clasp.


Love\'s journey, like the seasons\' dance,

Requires both the warmth and the chance,

To face the darkness, endure the pain,

To experience love\'s sweet, radiant reign.


So let us fear not the love we choose,

For it\'s in risking, we stand to lose,

But the reward outweighs the fear we dread,

The warmth of love, forever widespread.