
Beyond Space and Time ...

I want to nibble at the soft skin on your neck
Take in the smell of your aftershave
I want to place light kisses all the way down to your chest
Caress your nipples with the tip of my tounge and the softness of my lips
I want to whisper I Love You in your ear 
and see you smile at the purity of being loved 

I want to unbuckle your belt and slowly sneak my hand inside your shorts
Hear you draw your breath as my hand closes around you, slowly, deliberatly
I want to look into your eyes and see your pleasure, your wanting, your raw need
Feel your heart pick up pace, your breath leave your lips in uneaven, soundless moans
I want to love you in a way no one ever has, in a way you\'ve never felt 
In a way you never knew you wanted, needed or wished for 

I want to see you loose yourself under the pleasure of my touch
Feel you shiver with a need soon to great to withstand 
I want your eyes to undress me, your mind to go raw with desire 
I need you to uncover me, layer by layer \'til your touch finds the core of me 
I need you to wrap me in your arms, so that I can finally feel the fire burning through your skin

I want to feel you close to me, all over me
I need to feel you, all the way, inside me
Your lips covering mine 
Hushing me as I wrap myself around you
Motioning you to go harder, faster, 
I need to hear you getting close, so I can let go
So that I can dissolve along with you 
Beyond time and space
Beyond the harsh reality of life ...