
My angel

Day after day 

night after night 

I\'ve never felt heard because no one listened so why talk?

Time from time 

Minutes to hours 

I\'ve never felt seen because no one cared to even knowledge my existence

Years after years   

I\'ve never had a relationship that lasted even a year 

Am I the problem? 

I always felt invisible in life 

Unseen and unheard 

A disappointment and failure 

I am nothing.. 


I am none of that 

He makes me feel seen 

He makes me feel heard 

He cares more than my own family 

I just wanna cry in his arms and tell him everything 

He is my hero and angel 

I feel so safe and comfortable 

I don\'t have to fake my love 

Is this what love feels like?


Apologizing after arguments?

Trust and loyalty?

Accepting the past and mistakes?

I don\'t have rules to follow anymore 

I don\'t have to change myself 

He loves me?

Have I found the true meaning of love?

No one likes him but I don\'t care.. 

He\'s mine and I am happy even if my life is hell

He is my angel and I wanna go home